Safely connecting new construction to underground utility lines takes specialized expertise. It’s not just a matter of digging a trench between a utility terminal and the new structure. At the planning stage, the project must account for potential hazards, ground composition, and the building’s engineering requirements. When it comes to the dig itself, the right equipment needs to be paired with the right operator.
Risks of digging without safety.
Construction sites are full of potential dangers–some visible, and some invisible. Power lines are a noticeable danger to any eye, but some hazards lie beneath the surface, like gas lines. We take precautions by requiring spotters to be present before the heavy equipment can get to work.
Awareness of machine safety is also critical. Heavy equipment risks tipping over if their center of gravity is off or if tires are not inflated properly. A professional operator will check these items as part of their daily ritual to reduce risks to themselves and others.
The process:
Chamberlain Backhoe Services recommends and follows these guidelines to get the job done on time and on budget while keeping crews safe.
Finalize with the Utility. Working with the utility, planners make final decisions about where to locate trenches and their specific parameters—how wide, how deep, and so on.
Mark the Route. Translate the project’s technical drawings into the real world by marking the excavation area with white paint.
Call DigAlert. At least two days prior to any dig, projects in Southern California must call DigAlert at 8-1-1.
DigAlert Marks Existing Lines. DigAlert’s team will mark existing utility lines that may be crossed during the dig and will issue a job ticket. Digs cannot proceed without a DigAlert ticket.
Contact Your Excavation Team. Once the path is clear, contact Chamberlain Backhoe Service to get work started.
Demolition of Existing Surface. CBS will take care of cutting, breaking out and hauling away asphalt or concrete to clear a path for trenching.
Dig the Trench. At last, the dig can start! A skilled operator will work at the pace that’s suitable to conditions—quickly when the area is clear of hazards, slowly and carefully when existing utility lines are a concern.
Install the New Utility Lines. The excavation team leaves the site clear for licensed contractors to complete the connection from existing terminals to the new structure.
Backfill and Compact the Trench. Once the utility line passes inspection, it’s time to backfill and compact the trench.
Resurface the Trench. To finish the job, CBS repatches the surface asphalt or concrete to leave the worksite looking as good as new.
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Get the Job Done Right with CBS
Chamberlain Backhoe Service offers a comprehensive suite of excavation services, backed by sixty years of experience. No matter your turkey solution needs, CBS will be your excavation partner.
We are here to assist you with your next dig. Call us at (714) 579-8670 to schedule a project.